Oh, for a muse of fire...
that would ascend the
brightest heaven of invention.
A kingdom for a stage,
princes to act...
and monarchs to behold
the swelling scene.
Then should the warlike harry,
like himself,
assume the port of Mars...
and at his heels,
leashed in like hounds,
should famine, sword and fire
crouch for employment.
But pardon, gentles all,
the flat, unraised spirits...
that have dared
on this unworthy scaffold...
to bring forth
so great an object.
Can this cockpit hold
the vasty fields of France
or may we cram
within this wooden "o"...
the very casques that did affright
the air at Agincourt?
Oh, pardon.
Let us, ciphers
to this great account,
on your imaginary forces work.
For it is your thoughts
that now must deck our kings,
carry them here, there,
jumping o'er times,
turning the accomplishment of
many years into an hourglass.
For the which supply,
admit me, chorus, to this history,
who, prologue-like,
your humble patience pray...