So it is clear
as is the summer sun.
[Men chuckling]
All appear to hold in right
and title of the female.
So do the kings of France...
unto this day.
Howbeit, they would hold up
this salique law...
to bar your highness
claiming from the female.
May I, with right
and conscience,
make this claim?
The sin upon my head,
dread sovereign.
Stand for your own.
Unwind your bloody flag.
Your brother kings
and monarchs of the earth...
do all expect that you
should rouse yourself...
as did the former lions
of your blood.
Never king of England had nobles
richer and more loyal subjects...
whose hearts have left
their bodies here in England...
and lie pavilioned
in the fields of France.
Oh, let their bodies follow,
my dear liege,
with blood and sword and fire
to win your right.
In aid whereof,
we of the spirituality
will raise your highness...
such a mighty sum
as never did the clergy...
at one time bring in to
any of your ancestors.
Call in the messengers
sent from the Dauphin.
Now are we well resolved,
and by God's help and yours,
the noble sinews of our power,
France being ours,
we'll bend it to our all...