Well met, Corporal Nym.
Good morrow,
Lieutenant Bardolph.
[Cat meows]
[Meows, paws running]
What, are you and Ancient Pistol friends yet?
For my part, I care not.
I say little,
but when time shall serve,
there shall be smiles.
But that shall be as it may.
Come, I will bestow a breakfast
to make you friends,
and we'll be all three
sworn brothers to France.
- Let it be so, good corporal.
- I will do as I may.
It is certain, corporal, that Ancient
Pistol is married to Nell quickly.
For certainly she did you wrong,
for you were betrothed to her.
- [Clattering]
- [Man, woman shouting, laughing]
How now,
mine host Pistol?
Base tyke!
Callest thou me host?
Now, by this hand,
I swear I scorn the term!
Nor shall my Nell
keep lodgers!
No, by my troth,
not long.
For we can't lodge or board
a dozen or 14 gentlewomen...
who live honestly
by the prick of their needles,
but it shall be thought
we keep a bawdy house straight.
- Pish!
- Pish for thee, Iceland dog!
Good Corporal Nym,
show thy valor
and put up thy sword.
- Will you shog off?
- [Shouts]
Pistol, I will prick your guts
a little in good terms, as I may.
That's the humor of it.
- Braggart vile!
- Ahh, hear me when I say,