Nym, thou hast
spoke the right.
His heart is fracted
and... corroborate.
The king's a good king,
but it must be as it may.
He passes some humors
and careers.
Let us condole the knight,
for, lambkins,
we will live.
The French, advised
by good intelligence...
of this most dreadful
shake in their fear...
and with pale policy seek
to divert the English purposes.
Oh, England, model
to thy inward greatness.
Like a little body
with a mighty heart.
What mightst thou do
that honor would thee do...
were all thy children
kind and natural?
But see, thy fault France
hath in thee found out.
A nest of hollow bosoms which he
fills with treacherous crowns...
and three corrupted men.
One, Richard Earl of Cambridge,
and the second,
Henry Lord Scroop of Masham,
and the third, Sir Thomas Grey, knight,
of Northumberland,
have for the gilt of France...
oh, guilt indeed...
confirmed conspiracy
with fearful France,
and by their hands
this grace of kings must die,
ere he take ship for France.
The traitors are agreed.
The king is set from London,
and the scene
is now transported, gentles,
to Southhampton.
Before God, his grace is bold
to trust these traitors.