Honey, I Shrunk the Kids

I'm gonna try to fight it
till I know if this is love

Turn it up
- Yeah!
- Turn it up, ooh hoo

I love to hear
I know it seems strange
when you look at me today...

but when I was your age,
I was not much bigger than you.

- I know, Dad. You've told me
about a million times.
- All right. Just hear me out.

The point is,
Coach put me on these babies.

Know what happened? I put on 20 pounds
of pure, unadulterated...

and rip-his-head-off muscle, Russell.

Now, I'll make you a little bet.
If you work out for three months...

you will be throwing farther,
you will be running faster...

and you will be hitting harder
than anybody else on that team.

Go on. Try it. Go ahead.
Um, Dad, you... you know that
weights aren't my thing.

Fishing isn't your thing.
Weights aren't your thing.
Just what is your thing?

I don't know, but I'll
keep you posted, okay?

Fine. Until you do,
you're trying these.

And you're coming fishing
with the family. Is that clear?

I can't hear you!
Yes, sir.
Now, uh, lift with your legs,
not with your back.
