Are you okay?
When we crashed, my entire life
flashed before my eyes.
It didn't take too long.
I'm scared, Russ.
We could be anywhere now.
- I think we're still in your yard.
- How do you know?
Any other yard,
the grass would be shorter.
Come on. We gotta find
Ron and your sister.
...and he'll go to jail.
Your mother too.
After all, she's the one who paid
for it. That makes her an accomplice.
You know what it's like in jail?
I am gonna tell you
one more time to shut up!
And then what?
And then you'll smack me?
You'll go to jail too. I'll tell them
after a big bee ate my brother,
you smacked me around.
No jury in the world
would fail to convict you.
- The whole Szalinski family's
gonna be in jail for life.
- Look.
My dad's machine works.
When we get home and he fixes us all,
we're gonna be so rich.