We need a label
brimming with health.
And everything from a nosh pot
to a white sliced...
will wear one with pride.
I'm aware of the difficulties
of coming to terms with this.
It must be appreciated
from the beginning...
that even the nosh pot
must be low in something.
And if it isn't, it must be high
in something else.
And that is its
health-giving ingredient...
we will sell.
Which brings me
to my final question:
Who are we trying
to sell this to?
Answer: We are trying
to sell this...
to the archetypal
average housewife,
she who fills her basket.
What you have here
is a 22-year-old pretty girl.
What you need is a taut slob,
something on foot deodorizers
in a brassiere.
I'm not quite
sure we can go along with that.
If you look at
the market research...
I don't need to look
at the market research.
I've lived with 13-and-a-half
million housewives for 15 years.
I know everything about them.
She's 37 years old.
She has 2.3 children,
1.6 of which will be giris.
She uses 16 feet, 6 inches
of toilet tissue a week...
and fucks no more
than 4.2 times a month.
She has seven radiators
and is worried about her weight,
which is why we have her
on a diet.
And because we have her on
a diet, we also encourage her...
to reward herself with little
treats, and she deserves them.
Because anyone existing
on 1200 calories...
of artificial, synthetic,
orange-flavored waffle a day...
deserves a little treat.
"We know it's naughty,
but you do deserve it.
Go on, darling,
swallow a bun."
And she does.
And the instant she does,
the guilt cuts in.
So here we are again
with our diet.
It's a vicious,
but quite wonderful circle,
and it adheres
to only one rule:
"Whatever it is, sell it."
If you want to stay
in advertising,
by God you'd better learn that.
Bagley, it's not in my nature
to be a pain in the ass.