I beg your pardon?
I said, the bag may also
have contained a pork pie.
I hardly see a pork pie's
got anything to do with it.
All right. Then.
What about a large turnip?
It may also have contained
a big turnip.
- The bag was full of drugs.
- Nonsense.
The bag was full of drugs!
It says so!
The bag could have been
full of anything...
pork pies, turnips,
oven parts.
- It's the oldest trick in the book.
- What book?
The distortion of truth
by association book.
The word is "may."
You all believe heroin was in the bag
because cannibis resin was in the bag.
The bag may have contained heroin, but
the chances are 100 to 1 that it didn't.
More likely
than what you say.
About as likely as a tit
spread with peanut butter.
- Do you mind?
- The tits were spread.
Who's the man you are to think
you know more than the press?
I'm an expert on tits...
tits and peanut butter.
I'm also an expert
drug pusher.
I've been pushing drugs
for 20 years.
- I've had enough of this!
- A pusher protects his pitch.
We want to sell them cigarettes
and don't like competition.
So we associate
a relatively innocuous drug...
with one that is
extremely dangerous.
And the rags go along with it because
they adore the dough from the ads.
- I'm getting off at Datcher.
- Getting off won't help you.
I've had an octopus scotting
on my brain for a fortnight,
and I suddenly see that I am
the only one that can help you.
I've been worried sick
about boils for a fortnight...
large boils, small boils,
fast eruptors...
They're incurable, all of them.
I know that, and so does everybody else.
Until they get one.
Then the rules suddenly change.
With a boil on the nose,
there's a sudden surge in faith.
They want to believe
something will work.
He knows that, which is why he gets
a good look in with dying.
Sell some hope, see?
These boys would be
full-time into real estate...
if anyone came up
with a cure for death!
God, this is a madman!
What do you know about God,
you wire-haired mick?
Here, have 'em.
I've given up.