I'm gonna collect
something from my office.
While I'm there, get hold of Bristol
and tell him I'm coming.
Mr. Bristol's out.
Sullivan Bristol.
I want a call
the moment he turns up.
And get me a couple
of dispatch boys.
I've come to give you
a present.
How nice.
To me, this represents
everything that is wrong...
and everything that is vile
with this profession.
- Really?
- It is the reason I'm resigning.
- What's upset you about it?
- The hypocrisy it represents.
- It was never used.
- Not it... mine.
I believed in it, and I sat back
like some idiot while they buggered it.
- I should have resigned then.
- I see.
I don't approve of its rejection.
I can no longer tolerate it.
I don't approve of Her Majesty's
government's cynical bit of twaddle...
that smoking can seriously damage
your health as any kind of alternative.
I wouldn't have thought
anyone was arguing about that.
Precisely. Nobody's arguing about it,
especially the government.
The only fucker this ever frightened
was the chancellor of the exchequer.
But I'm going to argue about it.
I'm going to shout about it!
- I wouldn't do that, old chap.
- Can damage your health?