How to Get Ahead in Advertising

is that it's not the boil
that can read you.

It is you. Mr. Bagley.
That can read the boil.

You can read it
because it is you.

At least a part of you.
The boil knows
what you're thinking...

because you've projected
some of you into it.

You've given it the side
that you find intolerable.

The bullying. Aggressive.
Dictatorial side.

The side that sells
toothpaste and soap.

You've decided that selling these things
is a bad thing for you to do.

And you are unable to accept the guilt
for what you feel you've done.

Therefore. You've transmitted
these qualities into the boil.

Perhaps by doing this
you hope to escape your guilt.

But you've created a symbol
of foul-mouthed authority instead.

Your very own Big Brother.

- Welcome back. My name's Debra.
- I heard.

Come on. Let's sit you
up straight.

Up we go.
There we are.

- They've done it?
- In the morning.

- You hungry?
- No.

I'll bring you something anyway.
There's beef burgers or fish fingers.

I can hardly move my arms.
I can hardly move anything.

I'll bet you're right.
They gave you a whopping dose.

