- You're not!
- Mais oui.
A very
expensive psychiatrist told you I was.
He did not! You're
just a dirty carbuncle.
There's no reason
to raise your voice.
There's no reason why we shouldn't pass
these last few hours together amicably.
- Quiet.
That wouldn't be fair.
I listened to you
and all that Big Brother muck.
Don't mind telling you
I was bored stiff.
I had absolutely nothing
to do under there.
Except trim my moustache.
Of course.
You know why I grew it?
Big Granddad.
How did you find out
about my grandfather?
Boils have ears. Dennis.
I overheardJulia telling Gatty.
Nice pair of tits. Julia.
I believe you was unconscious
at the time.
You bastard!
I only have one wish,
and that is that I could be awake
to see you lanced.
I'd like to see
the knife going in.
I'd like to see you suffer.
- A typically Communist statement.
- I'm not a Communist!
Yes. You are. You want
to take everyone's car away.
I do not want to take
anything from anyone.
- I want to give them a choice.
- Oh. Yes. What?
- Trains.
- Trains?
Trains are no good.
They're old-fashioned.
- I hate trains. They're rotten.
- Only because they don't consume.
Only because they're already there
and don't eat up more and more.
That's why you hate them.
That's why government hates them.
That's why they're
old-fashioned and rotten.
- You commies don't have shit.
- Shut up! I'm not a Communist!
I refuse to argue
with a carbuncle.
- You are a Communist.
- Fuck off!
That's very rude of you,
Mr. Bagley.
Nobody's forcing you
to have supper.
I'm sorry.
That wasn't directed at you.
- Lovely.
- Thought you'd change your mind.
That wasn't me.
That was the boil.
I've heard all about
your boil, Mr. Bagley.
- Now, you tuck in and enjoy it.
- It's no good.
Even if I wanted to, I couldn't eat.
I can't move my arm.
Looks like you're doing
fine to me.
Oh, my God! Nurse!
It's the boil shaking it!
It's the boil!
Aaah! Aaah!
Oh, my God!