Find the man,
and you will find the Grail.
You've got the wrong Jones,
Mr Donovan.
- Why don't you try my father?
- We already have.
Your father is the man
who's disappeared.
Your father and I
have been friends for years,
He's an academic, not a field man. Dad?
Dear God!
What's the old fool got himself into now?
I don't know, but whatever it is,
he's in over his head.
It's today's mail, and it's been opened.
That's it, Marcus.
"Venice, ltaly."
What is it?
It's Dad's Grail diary.
Every clue he followed,
every discovery he made.
A complete record of his search
for the Holy Grail.
This is his whole life.
Why would he have sent this to me?
I don't know...but someone
must want it pretty badly.
Do you believe, Marcus?
Do you believe the Grail actually exists?