You obviously got it.
I got it and I used it. We found
the entrance to the catacombs.
- Through the library?
- Right.
I knew it.
And the tomb of Sir Richard?
Found it.
He was actually there?
- You saw him?
- What was left of him.
And his shield?
The inscription on Sir Richard's shield?
- Alexandretta.
- Alexandretta! Of course!
On the pilgrim trail
from the Eastern Empire.
Junior, you did it!
No, Dad, you did. Forty years.
- If only I could have been with you.
- There were rats, Dad.
- Rats?
- Yeah. Big ones.
- What do the Nazis want with you?
- They wanted my diary.
I had to get that book
as far away from me as I could.
Dr Jones.
- Yes?
- Yes?
I will take the book now.
- What book?
- You have the diary in your pocket.
You dolt!
You think my son would be that stupid,
bringing my diary back here?
You didn't, did you?
You didn't bring it, did you?
- You did!
- Can we discuss this later?
- I mailed it to the Max Brothers!
- Take it easy!
Take it easy? I sent it home
so it wouldn't fall into their hands!