Frank! Just wait a minute. Forget it.
- Just forget it.
- That's easy to say.
You don't understand.
See, I don't care any more.
I don't care what makes sense any more.
I don't give a rusty fuck
if they boot me down the City Hall steps
and send me back to the Bronx,
we gotta get this guy!
Everything that can be done
is being done.
My daughter was with her last night.
My child. It could have been her!
- This is not politics any more.
- Everything's politics!
The hell it is!
- I can't even sleep.
- Bullshit!
When you point at some guy and you say
"This is the guy that can do the job",
ain't the flashbulbs going?
Don't you read it
in the papers the next day?
Get me your brother,
and get him now, and get him
before you go to the ballet, Frank.
Get those hoses up here!
Come on! Move your ass!
Move it!
In the window! Put it in the window!
Turn it up!
Get that pressure up!
Turn it up, dammit!
- Chief.
- Yeah?
- I'm looking for one of your men.
- Who are you?