
Trace, I know you're mad.
You have every right to be.

I know tonight
was supposed to be special.

I mean, the wine, the garlic chicken,
which is my favourite,

scalloped potatoes, the peas...
The peas. Even though I hate peas.
They're good for me
and that shows me that you care, honey.

I know I'm three hours late.
I am. And, uh...

- Well, what can I say?
- Hi.

- Hi.
- (man) Hi.

- Hi.
- This is Chad, Mike.

- Chad?
- Yes, Chad.

- A friend from work. Works for Pan Am.
- Uh-huh.

One of those, uh,
baggage-handler kinda guys?

No, more like
one of those pilot kinda guys.

Honey, you're a book editor.
How did you meet Smilin' Jack here?

Well, he, um...
has also written three best sellers.

- Books? Manuals? Instructions?
- Look, I've got an early flight tomorrow.

- Maybe I...
- Thanks for the movie, Chad.

Any time. We'll have dinner when I get
back from Hong Kong. The three of us.

- Wow. What a night that'll be.
- Good night.

- (Tracy) Good night.
- (Dooley) Good night, Chad.

- You're dating? That was a date?
- He's a friend. We went to the movies.

- Do me a favour.
- Mike.

Do me a favour. When you go to the
movies, go to the movies with ugly guys.

Ugly guys with shitty jobs.
- You have a shitty job.
- That's right. See what I mean?

So we're perfect for each other.
Why didn't you wait for me?

Because if I lived my life
around your schedule, I'd go nuts.

I'd be a clock-tower sniper in a month.
It's hard enough,
knowing that making a bust

is more important to you
than making time for me.

Now, I love you, Mike, but I can't
count on you, so I do what I have to do.

Eat your peas. They're good for you.
- You know, I'm onto something big.
- You always are.
