
Narcotics? Party of 12.
Sure you wanna do this?
Do you know what you're gettin' into?

I watched you work for years.
You don't have to be a Harvard graduate.

- They're just dogs.
- Right.

- Where the hell is this dog? Mexico?
- They wouldn't take him.

- What's wrong with him?
- Nothing.

- Come on, Brannigan.
- He's got a few personality quirks.

- You should relate to that.
- Wait a minute.

- He's not a retard, is he?
- This dog's seen more action

than me and you put together.
In fact, he's a little stressed out.
- What do you mean by that?
- Just that he's peculiar from time to time.

- How come he's back here?
- He's not real sociable.

- Put this on.
- What's with the stuff?

- It ain't a fashion statement.
- Hey, I don't need this stuff.

It's procedure.
Everybody wears it. Put it on.

You know, this is a waste of time.
Just let the dog sniff me, I'll give him
some yummies, and we're outta here.

Put it on. Tell me,
do you know anything about animals?

- What's there to know?
- Did you have a pet?

- Yeah, plenty of pets.
- What kind?

- Plenty.
- Like what?

- You know. Pets.
- Like what?

- Fish. I had fish.
- Aw, come on. Fish? Come on. Let's go.

It's a pet. It's a companion.
- The most loyal animal I ever knew.
- Hey. You ready?

- Siamese fighting fish.
- All right. Let's go.

- I feel like the Michelin Man.
- I don't know. It's kinda... you.

Get over here.
- "Jerry Lee"?
- The killer.

Wait a minute. What is this?
You think I'm gonna fence the dog?

Tell me, Brannigan. How come,
if everyone has to wear one of these suits,

you're not wearing one?
Cos I ain't goin' in there.
- Where the hell is he?
- He's in there.

- I'm gettin' a full-sized dog, aren't I?
- Oh, yeah.

Jerry Lee, you got company.
Up and at 'em.

