- Why do you wanna know about him?
- Cos he's a cop.
I usually don't get a second shot
at somebody like you.
You know, you made a big mistake.
This ain't a good place to be a cop.
If I caught you at a bad time,
I can always come back later.
Yeah, you know, Dooley,
I could shoot you.
That'd be too easy on you
and it wouldn't be any fun for me.
No, I think I'll just
beat the shit outta you!
(Jerry Lee barks)
- What the hell is that?
- (growls)
That's... Officer Lewis.
San Diego K-9. You're all under arrest.
So line up against the wall,
hands above your head, and spread 'em.
- Hey, we give up.
- (laughter)
I'm not kiddin'. Hey, listen, I'm tellin' ya.
One command outta me,
he'll rip your throats out.
- Line up against that wall!
- I'm scared shitless. Aren't you, guys?
Get outta here!
You're a hard guy, huh?
(Jerry Lee growls)