Lean on Me

For all your talk
and all your
crazy joe routine,

what have you done?

You're nothing but
an insignificant man!

It's like
you were never born.

Your life hasn't
made any difference.

Neither has mine.
Want to take that
to the grave.

We want to welcome
mr. Clark to eastside.

We've heard so much
about you.

In anticipation
of your arrival,

ms. Levias, your other
vice principal, and i

have appointed
an executive committee

to oversee
certain areas

where we have noted
a need for improvement-

you may sit down,
mr. O'malley.

You think you can
run this school?

If you could,
then i wouldn't
be here, would i?

No one talks
in my meetings.

No one!
Take out your
pencils and write.

I want the names
of every hoodlum,

drug dealer,
and miscreant

who's done nothing
but take
this place apart

on my desk
by noon today.

Reverend slappy.
Yes, sir.
You're now
the chief custodian.

You will scour
this building clean.

Graffiti goes up,
it's off the next day.

Yes, sir.
The very next day.

Detention students
can help you.

Let them scrub
this place for a while.

And tear down those cages
in the cafeteria.
