You are here
for one reason,
one reason only-
to learn
to work
for what you want.
The alternative is
to waste your time
and to fall
into the trap
of crime, drugs,
and death.
Does everyone
understand that?
Do all of you
understand me?
Then welcome to the new
eastside high.
Mr. Clark
don't play.
What happened this
morning is an outrage.
My boy's no criminal.
Those children
belong in school,
not back out
on the street.
You're a fascist,
Our kids don't
deserve this!
Some of them
are smart.
They're just
about their chances
out there,
what kind of jobs
they got waitin'.
Now what kind of
chance do they have?
He insulted the black
football coach.
The man's gone crazy.
He's declared war
on his own people.
miss barrett,
mr. Clark
was nice enough
to come to this
emergency meeting
after a very
trying day.
I think we owe him
a chance to respond.
They say
one bad apple
spoils the bunch.
Man: My son
ain't no bad apple!
Well, what about 300?
Rotten to the core.
Now, you're right,
mrs. Barrett.
This is a war.