Come on, old man.
I been waitin' for this.
Come on.
Come on.
Get this disgrace
to his race out of here!
You already threw
this disgrace out once.
Then what's
he doing back?
Someone must have
let him in from the inside.
I want every door
in this school
chained and locked-
all of them!
Yes, sir.
Hi, mr. Clark.
Oh, hi, kids.
How you doin'?
Hi, mr. Clark.
What's up?
Hi, nathalee.
Kaneesha, what's
the matter, doll?
Now, i told you if you
have any problems,
you come and see me.
Come on, now.
I've known you more
than half your life.
What's the matter?
How are your grades?
They're not too good.
Well, why not?
You're a smart girl.
You shouldn't be
having any problems.
I don't have
no place to live.
Well, where's
your mother?
She don't want me
no more.
Now, here.
Come with me. Come on.
I'll see what i can do
about this.
Ms. Levias, you know
kaneesha carter here.
You go on in
to miss ruiz.
Is he all right?
He'll survive.
Kaneesha here is having
a problem at home.