Honey, get back
to your class.
You're playing
into his hands.
That was
the fire chief.
Know what he's saying
right now?
"Black bastard
can't throw me out,"
know where he's saying it?
Out in the parking lot.
Mr. Clark,
a baseball bat?
If they'd got me
those emergency doors
that sound an alarm
when you open them up
like the ones
white schools have,
i wouldn't
have to chain them.
Those doors cost
a fortune.
We don't have enough
money for books.
Tell the mayor that.
Call the federal government.
Never mind
what i'm doing.
Why don't you do
what i ask you?
Where are those
test scores i asked for?
Hey, mr. Clark.
Hi. Where you been?
I was sick.
Sick, huh?
Hi, eric.
What was that
altercation about?
Are my pants too tight?
The fight you had
in the cafeteria.
Don't get cute with me.
I've already had enough
shit from this.
Why did he come after you?
You dealing drugs?
We don't need
to get into this.
I just came here
to tell you something.
I don't think
i'm cut out for school.
I just came
to say good-bye.
Dropping out
on me, huh?
I'm not dropping out.
I'm moving on.
You'll be dead
in a year, son.
You hear
what i'm saying?
You'll be dead
in a year.
Mr. Clark,
i got to go.
You know, baby,
i look at you,
and i want to do
the hootchie cootchie.