from the cafeteria?
Weren't they with you?
Who, these guys?
I'm sure you've learned
the school song by now.
You better know it
because this time
if you don't
get it right,
you're suspended
for 10 days each.
Is that clear?
Yes, sir.
All right,
let me hear it.
All right, fellas,
let him hear it.
Fair eastside
fair eastsl-l-ide
fair eastside
by thy side
we'll stand
and always
praise thy name
praise thy name,
praise thy name
to heaven, yeah
lend our hearts
and hands
to help increase
thy fame
ooh, lord
the honor, yeah
of old eastside high
calls forth
our loyalty
loyalty, loyalty
so cheer-
all right,
all right!
Who taught you that?
Answer me!
I know you didn't
do it yourselves.
Who taught you this song?
Speak up!
Mrs. Powers.
Mrs. Powers, eh?
Come with me, all of you.
...out this world
gonna shoulder up
my cross
gonna take it home
to my jesus
ain't that good news?
I got a savior
in that kingdom