Had the daily double!
Had the daily double!
Yes, sir! Here, have the daily double.
- Why buy that?
- He had the daily double.
Stop acting like a hick off the bus!
- 18 months ago!
- Sue me!
100 tip sheets at $3 a piece.
That's seven racetracks a day.
Seven tracks makes it 700 racing days
a year. $ 1,400,000 a year! This is a...
It's a lot! What can I say?
- You like Chiquita's Banana in the first?
- Who?
Had the daily double!
I got a bad leg. Take this $20
and bet the sixth horse for me.
Bring me back the ticket, honey.
It's a living.
- This is your half.
- For me?
Put it under your tongue. Whoa!
Let's go across the street.
Let's get a beer.
I don't know, I feel different today.
Today is not like yesterday.
Well, yesterday was hot.
Today is very hot.
Hey, hey! How about a beer
and two aspirins? And two Maalox.
Hello, Vibes.
No, this is bullshit, you talk bullshit!