Lethal Weapon 2

We do!
Ramses Extra.
Because caring means
all the protection you can get.

Take the kids upstairs.
We learn this in Human Development.
In Human what?!
Human Development what?!

Chill out, Daddy.
Nick, upstairs!
You know how your father is.
-I looked fat.
-I liked you.

Home. Out!
I got a gun.
What? She looked beautiful.
I liked it. She made me want
to buy rubbers right now.

I thought it was great.

-I thought you were terrific.

I think she's got a hell of a future.
George is afraid of Daddy.
Stick around.
He has a gun.
But it's an old gun
and he's not a very good shot.

I'm going anyway. Good night.
-I'll buy you a beer.
-Let him buy it.

You're under 21.
Be back by midnight.
Wait and see.
Cops never let up.

I'll have rubbers on my desk,
in the mail, in the coffee....

If you'd only kept your mouth shut!
I'm going for a walk.

Give the boys some credit.
In one ear, out the rubber.

How goes it with you, Hans?
Okay. You, Pieter?
That's quite enough of that.
Come on over here, Hans.
