Warn them off.
It's my experience...
...that a scared cop
is more useful than a dead one.
A warning?
Is that not a bit tame?
Depends on how you do it.
Then you better look at this.
This is the policeman in charge.
A Kaffir.
Remember to take these in order.
There's a packet for each day of the week.
This yours?
I found it in the wash.
I keep losing this.
Something's wrong.
No, not really.
It's just a goddamn pen.
What about the pen?
It reminds me of something.
Of what?
It reminds me of...
...the night Vicki was killed.
I didn't mean to push.
That's okay.
We never really talked about it.
I was to meet her for dinner,
a romantic dinner for two.
I had so much work.
And I forgot about it.
She waited at the restaurant
for an hour before she drove home.
It was midnight when I got home
to a ringing phone. I answered it.
They said she was killed in a car crash.
I should've been driving.
We'd have been all right.
I remember falling on my knees
and shaking all over.