Lethal Weapon 2

That's my food! You didn't want
anything. Bring it here.

It's mine.
You could've had anything you wanted.
I ordered eggs, not hamburger.
Not the window!
Where is that son of a bitch?
Somebody stop that guy!
Stop him!

Don't leave me!
I can't swim!

We're near the edge of the pool.
Now get the fuck off my back!

Get back! Police!
You okay?
Why didn't you follow me down?
-Why didn't you?
-I was 7 floors up!

-He hit me.

This guy took a big chance
to pop all of us.

Did you witness a murder?
Nothing like that. Honest.
All I did was launder
half a billion dollars in drug money.

Half a billion dollars?!
Give or take!
Who can count that much money?

Could I have some cotton balls for my nose?
Could you shut up?
You're supposed to take care of me.
Mr. Getz got away.
Our best opportunity, and he gets away.

He slips through our fingers
and into the hands of the police.
