It's under control.
I told you to look out!
-You're too old to drive this car.
-Shut up!
And stay!
What do you think I am, a dog?
Hands behind your neck!
What are you doing here?
We got lots to talk about.
What's going on?
Freeze, dickhead!
Get down here, dickhead!
It's been a bad day.
Show me your hands.
Take it easy, officer.
I'm not armed. I won't resist.
Put down your guns, gentlemen.
It's all right.
Do as I say!
Hands behind your head!
You have no idea what you're doing.
We're professional police officers.
We do this for a living.
My name is Arjen Rudd.
I'm Minister of Diplomatic Affairs
for the South African consulate.