An escort isn't necessary.
I know you're a psychiatrist,
but it's not a pretty sight.
I have helped policemen
through very traumatic moments.
There is nothing in this room
that I cannot handle.
I was wrong.
Excuse me.
Where there's one,
there's the other.
You're a psychiatrist?
I have these dreams.
It's ready to come out.
I got to live in this house!
Clear this room.
Come on, Riggs.
You too, Riggs.
Riggs. Out.
All right.
Dive into the tub.
Then pull the bomb blanket over your head.
This cast-iron tub will
withstand a hell of a blast.
I can't.
He can't.
He's been on there for 18 hours.
He can't even walk.
I'll have to help him.
All right, you better wear this.
The nitrogen?
Almost there.
He's spraying this thing
with liquid nitrogen...
...to give you two seconds
before detonation.
-Got that?
-Two seconds. Thanks a lot.
Lights out!
Get him up and out.