Four to shack.
Container 14 ready to winch.
Six to shack.
Silver extraction completed.
"Mining Shack Nr.7 Habitat And Operations
Day 87 Of 90 Day Shift"
Thas good eating.
Burritos, enchiladas...
Black beans and rice, man.
Thas Puerto Rican. I gotta take you...
I hate to break up
the great Latino gourmet debate...
but we ain't off the clock yet.
Since we got a few more days here,
can somebody...
please tell me who the hook is?
Fifteen, is that you?
You got a hook on box 22?
The man is asking you
if you're hooked on 22, dumb shit.
Watch your mouth, Sixpack.
Fifteen to shack.
This is Jones.
I ain't the hook.
Seven to shack. I'm the hook.
Okay there, seven.
Pack up box 22 and call it a day.
Hey, Willie, you trip on a tit
or something? We're all waitin' on ya.
Go suck on a shrimp, Sixpack.
Seven to shack.
Ready to winch.
There we go.
Winch on.
Okay, miners, les come on home.
You heard the man.
Les get movin'.
Come on, guys.
We only have three days left.
I hear that.
Put the kettle on, Beck.
We're coming home.