Jonesy! Help!
My rebreather's stopped!
I'm losing compression!
I'm gonna blow my suit!
Doc! Beck!
Yeah, I got you, DeJesus.
You look fine from in here.
- Give me a readout.
- My rebreather's stopped!
I'm losing compression!
I can't breathe!
I can't get an accurate readout
if you panic.
Doc, we got an emergency here.
We need you. Got trouble.
So just breathe slowly
and through your nose...
and out through your mouth.
I think you're hyperventilating.
- Hyperventilating, my ass!
- How do you do this?
- He's gonna blow.
- No, he's not gonna blow!
Doc, come on!
- Check his oxygen level.
- Yeah, I'm doin' that.
- Do something, quick!
- I'm doin' it.
Hook him to my RV-four transpac.
Right. Hook him to the RV...
No! Don't do that!
Don't circumventilate him.
I think you're risking
an implosion probability.
Doc, we need you.
Bring him into the shack.
- There's not enough time!
- You've got time. Just do it.
I'm gonna die!
You ain't gonna die.
Just keep him moving.
Take it easy. We'll make it.