
- Knock it off, Sixpack!
- Cut it out, you guys.

We've been stuck down in this hole
for a hell of a long time.

We had a close call. We're not gonna
let something like this break us apart.

The doc is my responsibility.
It would be just my luck to finish two
months' worth of work two miles under...

and have the whole place fall apart
with just three days left.

Anyone check weather up top?
Is raining, but is
supposed to be clear for pickup.

As long as there's no waves.
I hate waves.

Waves my ass. Do you know what you'd
be doin' if you were up top right now?

Drinkin' brew and eatin' pussy.
- How about gettin' stuck in traffic?
- Wherever I can find it.

I'll tell you what you'd be doing.
Be watching news on TV thas so bad,
it makes you nauseous.

So bad that you get in your car
to get some fresh air...

and after five minutes,
you realize...

the air's so dirty,
you can't breathe.

If you're lucky enough
to get back to your house...

that looks the same
as everybody else's...

you find that your wife
is as fat as she ever was.

And the only reason your kids
aren't strung out on the drugs...

they were using is because
they've found some new drugs...

which screw 'em up even more,
and thas just the good part.

You people don't appreciate
how good you've got it down here.

- Don't let me interrupt you, Mr. Cobb.
- Thas all right. I was just finished.
