
How in the hell did you do that?
You don't say anything to anybody.
Job security.

All right? Les go.
Now, wait a minute, man.
How in the hell did you do that?

Thas clean.
But there's nothing wrong with it.
Oh, my God!

Come here, Kuki.
Sixpack, you shit!
How much silver are we gonna
start taking out of that mine again?

Well, Martin, I think you've got
an honest-to-God bonanza on your hands.

You can haul us out in a couple of days.
This mine will play itself.

When I told the Director
of Atlantic Operations...

that we had to stick a geologist
down there and turn that mine around...

I had no idea that you were going
to prove me a genius.

- Well, I'm glad you're happy.
- I'm ecstatic.

'Cause I can't wait
to get the fuck outta here.

I said, I really can't wait
to get back to exploration diving.

I miss the research, and...
By the way, I ran that check
on Dr. Thompson.

He has a few incidences
of insubordination...

but his credentials
are very impressive.

He pioneered several vaccines.

Well, this ain't the Mayo Clinic.
How'd he get down here?

A serum he developed
killed several people.

An accident, but it got blown
all out of proportion.
