You're damn right, I do.
I'm not down here for fun.
Fun? Somebody talkin' fun?
Look at those white legs!
Hey, Willie, I'm sorry
about that little incident tonight.
You know, I just thought
a little humor might loosen things up.
Hey, watch it!
No hard feelings?
Nope. Sweet dreams.
I got a date with an angel.
Come on, baby.
Sit on my face.
Goddamn it, Williams! You bitch!
Look at my foot!
Look at my goddamn foot!
- I thought you'd find that funny.
- You think is funny?
You're gonna think is funny
when you eat this goddamn thing!
- What the hell's goin' on here?
- Look at my foot!
This bitch put a goddamn
sea monster in my bunk!
- How do you know it was her?
- It was her!
- Are you calling me a liar?
- That may be the size of it, Bubba.
- You two just pulled sea duty tomorrow.
- Bullshit!
Oh, geez! Will you pipe down?
You just got half a day.
Any more hoopla, is a full one.