All right, look.
My cable's stuck.
Sixpack, whas happened?
We've lost him.
Well, what are you doing?
Having a party out there?
Beck, I'm looking for him.
Shack to seven.
Whas going on out there?
He's gone.
Williams, speak to me.
Whas happening out there?
Sixpack, answer.
Oh, my God!
Come on, Williams.
Whas the alternate?
Try 35.
Williams? There she is.
Williams, you hear me?
Whas going on out there?
He's gone over the South Ridge.
I'm going down after him.
Watch yourself, 'cause we don't know
what the hell is over that ridge.
Come on, Jonesy, work it out.
- Sixpack's lost!
- Weren't they tied?
- I don't know!
- They're supposed to be tied.
- Come on. Les go.
- Move it!
Oh, God!