You can bet it was a chain saw.
Colombians love to use 'em on informers.
They sell more here
than in the state of Oregon.
I wish I coulbe more hopeful,
but we'll have to wait ansee.
Chain saw, my ass!
I know a shark bite when I see one.
Sanchez has vanishe. He's got Leiter's
fiiles. Goonly knows what's in them.
- Well, fiinhim!
- He's out of our jurisiction.
There's plenty of countries
that'll protect him.
- We can't even get an extraition.
- There are other ways.
Let it go, Commaner.
You're just gonna
forget all about it?
No, I'm not gonna forget about it.
Looks like Sanchez' law
operates north of the borer too.
Let's go shark hunting.
This is the last place in the Keys.
We'll have to try Miami next.
Stay here.
You stay out of sight.
I'll hanle this.
We're close.
Ain't noboy here.
Look, I've come all the way
from Lonon to see you.
Universal Exports. We've been retaine
by the Regent's ParkZoo...
to arrange shipment
of a charcharaDon carcharias.
- A what?
- Great white shark.
It's all right, Bill.
Let him in.
Unfortunately, we sol
all our sharks years ago.
As you can see,
weo purely research now.
It's a project
to feethe thirworl.
We feemaggot to our special bree
of genetically engineerefiish.