You were supposeto be
In Istanbul last night.
I'm afraithis unfortunate Leiter
business has cloueyour jugement.
You have a job too.
I expect you on a plane this afternoon.
- I haven't fiinishehere, sir.
- Leave it to the Americans.
It's their mess.
Let them clear it up.
Sir, they're not
going too anything.
I owe it to Leiter. He's put his life
on the line for me many times.
Oh, spare me this sentimental rubbish!
He knew the risks.
- Anhis wife?
- This private venetta of yours...
couleasily compromise
Her Majesty's government.
You have an assignment,
anI expect you to carry it out...
objectively anprofessionally.
Then you have my resignation, sir.
We're not a country club, 007.
Effective immeiately,
your license to kill is revoke...
anI require you
to hanover your weapon...
I neeharly reminyou that you are
still bounby the Offiicial Secrets Act.
Then I guess it's...
a farewell to arms.