I'd also appreciate it if you could establish
a line of credit for me at the casino.
- Shall we say two million dollars?
- No problem.
You have excellent collateral,
and our chairman also owns the casino.
- A very convenient arrangement.
- We have always thought so, senorita.
Thank you. Good evening,
ladies and gentlemen, and welcome.
This is a special night for us.
We want you to know that only
through your generous donations...
..can the work here at the OMI
continue to progress.
We've learned so much,
but we've only just scratched the surface.
We need your help. We need you to go
to your phones now and make a pledge.
This is not for me.
This is not for them. It's for all ofus.
- Are you OK, reinita?
- I'm fine.
Krest called me from the boat with a story
about somebody ripping him off.
Did you see anything happen?
No, Franz. I stayed
in my cabin most of the time.
- What's the matter, baby?
- You know I can't stand that thing.
- I'd like a private table. Blackjack.
- Certainly, Senor Bond.
Would you come this way, please?
- Quarter of a million dollars.
- Sí, senor.
And I'd like to raise
the limit to 5,000 a box.
Put these wonderful
volunteers behind me to work.
Dario'll take you shopping, so tomorrow
you can spend a lot of money, have fun.
Now, give me a little kiss.
You want one too?
We can raise the price.
22,000 per kilo this month.
I like that.
Yeah, this is Truman-Lodge. 22,000.
Our goal today is to raise $22,000
from each of our meditation chapters.