There's no mistake.
Welcome to Gateway, Leone.
- Drumgoole?
- That's Warden Drumgoole, convict.
- Captain.
- Move him!
Move your ass!
Let's go. Come on!
You'll be issued one bar of soap,
two rolls of toilet paper per month.
Somebody steals...
Turn your ass around!
Somebody steals them, or you lose
them, wipe your ass with your shirt.
You have one uniform.
Your number is 5-1-0. Remember it.
This is C-wing. You will eat, shower
and take your yard time with your wing.
There's 6 counts a day. Miss one,
you're in the hole. Miss two...
...I will put you in the house of pain.
...two things.
One: I am Meissner.
Two: Never fuck with Meissner.
- Sir, what about the cuffs?
- Let him get used to them.
You better watch your back, man!