Lock Up

I brought you the man, Homes.
Look, don't "Homes" me.
The only thing you brought is trouble.

- Come on, Eclipse.
- I heard all about you, Leone.

Whatever is between you and
Drumgoole ain't coming in here.

The boys ain't got no problem with me.
I ain't got no problem with the boys.

Come on, Eclipse.
You're making me look bad.

- I promised the dude a job. You owe me.
- I don't owe you or nobody nothing.

Hey, you! Get your face out of that
motor! Get your face out of there.

You don't know nothing about motors.
Stay away from it! Okay?

It's been a while since I've seen
an old 265 small block.

That's the last time
you're gonna see one in this shop.

Come on. Frank, we can work this out.
We're all gentlemen here.

It's his place. He knows what he
wants. It's okay. Thanks anyway.

Thanks. You made me look beautiful.
I appreciate the endorsement.

Hey, Frank. Hold up, man.
You didn't want this job anyway, man.
Greasy fingers, oil on your clothes...

- Don't worry. I'll take care of you.
- That's what I'm afraid of.

- All right?
- Prison joke.

I lost my watch. Why don't you give me
a hand looking for it.

Roll your ass on out of here, man.
Officer Vazquez, you ought to
put on a few pounds. You look frail.

Frank, I meant what I said. I'm gonna
get you something good, easy, cool.

- You're gonna love it.
- Shut up. Get inside. Shut up. Inside!

Here's your shit from Norwood, Leone.
All right. Lock in!
