Walk with me. I gotta show you
something. It's important.
- No. Here, you try.
- No. Come on, man.
- You'll like it.
- I'm not into hard labour.
- It's cool. It's easy.
- Okay. There. I'm burnt out. Come on.
Come on, you're gonna love this.
Watch the steam, Frank.
I got these off this old trustee.
He did the plumbing here.
Everybody thought he was a nut.
Doesn't mean he wasn't smart.
- Come on, hurry up.
- All right, cool.
The tunnels under every cellblock,
they lead to the steam plant, okay?
I go out across the steam lines.
Dig this.
I shimmy, okay? Across the
steam pipes to the sally port, okay?
Over there, there's trucks coming
and going. I wait for my time...
...l'm on a truck that's leaving.
I'm dearly departing Dallas, man. Huh?
You're the doctor. Operate.
I want your professional opinion.
Let's run it backwards. I see these
trucks. They stop running at 9:00.
At 9:00, the tower guards are at full
staff and all the inmates are awake.
Before you go 10 feet, every con in the
joint knows you're gone. And this thing...
...this shimmy?
- Shimmy slide.
You're gonna shimmy slide across
200 yards of steam pipe...
...running at 160 degrees
and get away with it?
You try, they'll change your name from
Departing Dallas to Deep-Fried Dallas.
- Just a thought, man.
- The thought that counts.
- I got a plane to catch. Thanks a lot.
- Hey, Dallas?
You got a cigarette?
It's my last one. Here.
Go ahead. Finish that.
It ain't much,
but it's the thought that counts, right?