Move it!
What are you, a slow study or what?
Screw that guy.
So I didn't get a chance
to make the reservation...
...so why don't we get a seat
over there.
- What are you doing?
- Taking this.
- Why don't you go take something else?
- I'll throw you through this table.
- Want some cake?
- Are you chumping off on me?
- Not hungry. Want this?
- Who are you?
Nobody. Here.
- I'm on a diet. This spot taken?
- Why don't you stand up to that dirtbag?
Shut up.
He just saved you a lot of healing.
What's your name?
Why does anybody need a name
in a joint like this?
Helps when you get mail.
Oh, yeah. I need a name?
They call me Killer.
That's original. Did you think that up,
or did someone give you a hand with it?
- I call myself what I want, okay?
- Okay.
Killer, this is Dallas. I'm Frank.
Dallas, what do you think this is here?
- Wanna give me an idea?
- These might be peas.
They might not.
They might be toxic waste.
Who cares? It's all crap.
- Eat vegetables to grow big and strong.
- Stick your vegetables. Nobody asked.
We got 325 other killers in here.
Most, unlike you, live up to it.
Put your leg in the aisle.
Be ready to move.
Hey, nobody tells me
to do nothing, all right?
You always gotta be ready to move first.
You just might make it to first base.
First base.
There's a name for him, huh?