First! First!
First, turn it off, you crazy bastard!
All right, stop that car now.
I repeat, stop that car now!
They're gonna kill you!
- This is Meissner. Stop firing.
- The warden said...
- Goddamn it, I said stop firing!
- Hold it, hold it.
First, turn it off! Hold it. Hold it.
Look out! Look out, Frank.
Look out, man!
Get out of the car!
They're gonna kill your ass.
- Did you see that ride?
- Are you crazy?
- It's beautiful. I can drive.
- It's beautiful...
All right. You're one crazy
son of a bitch, you know that?
- You bought yourself a trip to the hole.
- Leave Frank alone!
Let's go, let's go. Break it up!
Break it up! Let's go.
Let him go. You have the wrong man.
- Take Leone to the hole.
- Back off.
- Six weeks.
- It was my fault, sir!
Save it.
Get off me.
I want five inmates. Give me a bat.
I wanna break up this car.
Hold it right there, now!
I want you to watch this, Leone.