Leone, five-ten.
Leone, five-ten.
Leone. Leone. Leone.
Name and number.
Leone, five-ten.
On your feet. Name and number.
Give Mr. Leone half rations
the rest of his time.
Yes, sir.
Name and number!
Get up!
He seems a little sluggish.
Wake him up.
Cold enough?
- Wanna see my swing?
- I'd like to see you in whites.
- Some swing.
- You see me on the golf course?
You got a little cruel streak.
Leone, five-ten.
- Upright. Name and number.
- Leone, five-ten.
You'll be praying for some time
on your own. You know that?
- I don't believe that.
- Trust me. I know about these things.
Leone, five-ten.
Leone, five-ten.