Seventy? Eighty?
They see.
It took in the district all the life.
People wanted it.
She spent the day giving to eat the doves.
To give to eat the doves.
- She walks, see. - Cállate!
It went from a park to the other...
distributing handfuls of wheat.
The watchmen knew it.
They greeted it affectionately.
A photographer requested permission to him in order to publish a postcard hers
surrounded by doves.
He accepted, clear.
She was famous to his way.
A day, you do not know like,
by its testament perhaps,
one knew that it gave them poisoned wheat.
During years smiling,
it had killed thousands of doves.
The people of the district... it was not possible to be believed.
- They see. You are going to take cold. - No.
You love another girl?
- You want that it comes pink? - Neither Pink nor another one.
You do not understand to me! No longer I have desire of follaros!
Dejadme peacefully!