How does it feel
How does it feel
To be without a home
With no direction home
Like a complete unknown
Just like a rolling stone
I appreciate you coming with me tonight.
I hate these things with a passion.
You know this guy Wagner,
the party giver...
he's in real estate, right?
Uh, he come down to
my studio one time.
He puts his arm around
my shoulder and he says...
"Lionel, do you understand
the importance of Jackson Pollock?"
Then he points out all the condos and
loft co-op conversions out the window...
and he says, "If it wasn't for Jackson,
none of this would be happening."
Jackson, right?
His old pal.
His pal.
You know, I haven't had any
knock-around friends since 1968.
I've associates,
admirers, detractors...
ex-wives, rivals--
- I have lots of friends.
- That's a very mean thing to say to me.
You have a string
in your hair.
You see right
through me, don't you?
I was in the army.
Army intelligence.
You see, they had me draw
Russian couples screwing.
See, they figured this way,
come the next war...
they'd drop thousands of these drawings
behind enemy lines with the message...
"Hey, Ivan, while you're
out here fightin' democracy...
ol' Boris is back home
doing your wife."
- How could you tell
the couples were Russians?
- Oh, I had 'em wearin' fur hats.
I mean, what's the difference?
The next war was Vietnam anyhow.
- Paulette what?
-Just Paulette.