I'm going home.
You're young yet.
I love you.
Love me?
You just need me around to--
Sometimes I feel like a human sacrifice.
I don't know.
Maybe if I was as good as you, I
wouldn't care about anybody else either.
But I'm not, so goodbye.
So I'm the monster, right? Well,
just what's so hell great about you?
- I don't know. Nothing.
- You know, you gotta start learnin'
to like yourself a little more.
- Yeah, okay. I'll try.
- But, see, you don't think I love you,
because you don't love yourself.
I'll keep that in mind.
Okay, look, maybe it's me.
It's-- No, it's me.
You know, I indulge.
I indulge in love.
I indulge in making my stuff,
and they feed off each other, you know?
And they come together at times,
but this-- this is bad.
This is selfish.
So maybe I--
I-I should try and be
a nice person for ya.
Maybe the key to that
is to try and stop.
You know, just, uh, sh--
stop painting.
And, uh, maybe I sh-- Yeah,
and I should stop-- stop painting
and just be a nice person for you.
Now, is-- is that what
you want me to do? Huh?
I don't give a damn what you do.
My brother's a United States Marine,
and I can't take this any more!
Get out of here.
Get outta here!
I can't take this any more!
Get out of my room!
Your room?
I own the damn building!
A complete unknown
Just like a rolling stone
You've gone to the finest school
Allright, Miss Lonely
- But you know you only
used to get juiced in it
- You know something?
If just once you came by my room
and said, "Gee, Paulette,
you're a terrible painter.
- Why don't you get a job and enjoy it?"
- Let me tell you something.
You think I just use people,
just grind 'em up.
Well, you don't know
anything about me.
You don't know how involved I get
or how far down I go.
Hell, I was married four times since
before you were even born.
- So don't you tell me!
- He's not sellin' an yalibis