It's okay, it's okay. Don't--
I-I came by to say that
I located her myself.
I found her,
and she's back, and she--
What happened was she had,
um, like a--
sort ofa mini-stroke, and she--
she didn't remember anything.
She didn't who she was,
and she was wandering around.
But she's okay now, and I--
and so I'll take care of it.
She's-- You can--
You can drop the case.
Just drop the case?
Yeah. Don't-- Don't find her.
Don't look for her any more.
- You're sure you're okay?
- Mm. I'm great.
And I've never been better.
Never been better.
- Hi.
- How are you today, Mr Mills?
- Good. I'm very good.
- You look wonderful.
- Do I? Thank you. I'll take this.
- Is there anything else?
- No, just-just that'll do.
- Two dollars, sir.
- Okay.
- Everything okay with you?
- Yes, sir.
- Good.
- Wonderful to see you, sir.
- Thank you. Thank you very much.
- Hope to see you again soon.
Thank you. What is all
that confusion outside?
I don't know.
There's always noise, sir.
Oh, I never saw anything like it!
Sheldon, where have you been?
I've been looking all over for you.
I was just discussing your problem
with these nice people.
- Where are you?
- Do I know?
Look, Sheldon, I've had
plenty of time to think about it.
Don't get married.
- Not here.
- Why should you rush in?
This is not the place
to discuss it.
Where should I go?
I'm here.
You think a man his age
should get married?
They only met six months ago.
It depends.
If she's a nice girl, why not?