She's nice, but why
do they have to rush in?
He's still paying alimony.
- Mother, stop!
- Let them lead their own lives!
I have the same problem
with my daughter.
They grow up and they think
they have all the answers.
- How old is your daughter?
- Twenty-six.
- You got any pictures?
- Home.
- Home?
I always carry Sheldon around
wherever I go.
- Oh, God, this can't be happening.
- See? Here he is...
- I need air. I need oxygen.
- two years old...
- I mean, I gotta get out
in the fresh air.
- and I'm not ashamed
to show pictures...
- but my son always says,
"You can't show pictures."
- I need cyanide. Oh.
And isn't he a darling?
Look at him.
- This is my granddaughter.
- My daughter's wedding.
- There's my daughter,
her husband...
- This is my friend!
- Here I am!
- and me.
He's bright. He was always bright,
and in school he was a star.
I can't believe my eyes!
What are you doing up there?
Hey, are you hungry, lady?
Hello, Dorothy?
This is Mr Mills.
I can't come in today.
Tell Mr--
Tell Mr Bates
that I'm feeling sick...
No, no, it's--
- It's okay.
- Sheldon's a lucky man!
He's a lucky man!
It's okay.
Sadie, you want a bagel?
The woman, Mrs Sadie Millstein,
is a widow...
and the mother of Sheldon Mills,
an attorney with the New York firm
of Bates, Phillips, Tunny and Mills.