Nothing ever works, ever!
Look, maybe you're right.
Don't get so upset.
You know, after all, my mother
is floating around up there.
But have you ever done anything
extrasensory in your life?
No, you were right
from the beginning.
I'm nothing.
It just beats being a waitress.
Is that what you were, a waitress?
Well, I wanted to be
an actress, but...
I could never find any work.
So I had to wait on tables.
It's drudgery.
Then I met some astrologer...
and, uh, he told me that
there's a lot of money to be made
in psychic phenomena--
that people flock to it
because their lives are so empty.
So I tried to learn it,
I read up, I--
I guess it's like acting.
You have to be born with it.
Will you stop crying?
I'll bet you're a wonderful actress.
You know, you have a very--
a particularly sweet personality.
- Oh, thank you.
- You know?
You-- I-- You're probably fine.
You know, 'cause, 'cause--
Because a thing
doesn't succeed immediately...
- doesn't mean that you
have to give it up right away.
- My life is a bust!
- Nothing I do comes out right.
- Okay, relax, relax, relax.
Take it easy. Let me-- Let me
buy you dinner. You'll feel better.
Let me-- You know,
Lisa's coming back late tonight.
She's had-- She had to work.
I'll take you to dinner.
- You'll feel-- You've been a--
You've been terrible all week.
- No, I-I can't. Thank you very much.
- Thank you anyway.
- Come on. I'll take you to--
Actually, I-I probably shouldn't go out,
because my mother will see me.
Look, you-- You want me
to make you dinner? Huh?
- No, forget it, I--
- Oh, come on, please.
Look, it's the least I can do.
Come on. Huh?
Can you cook, or, or you just stand
over the stove and chant or something?
- I'll boil you some chicken.
- Great. My favourite.
Boiled chicken.
It's my mother's specialty.
Of course, she manages to render the
bird completely devoid of any flavour.
It's a culinary miracle.
Have some more.
You only had a drumstick. Huh?
- No, I'm full. I've eaten--
- You didn't have
any potato pancakes at all.
I had two of those and I had
two, three pieces of chicken.
- You still look thin to me.
- No, I'm fine.
You know what? Take some of this
home with you. I'll wrap it up.
That way you won't have to leave
your apartment. I know how that
embarrasses you.