One pair, two pairs! 100 lire!
Real nylon!
You mustn't come here.
l keep telling you
but it's like talking to a wall!
lf the film catches fire,
a child like you will just go up in smoke
''And turn into a chunk of charcoal!''
Think you're clever, eh?
One day l'll cut your tongue off.
Just like that.
Can l have this? Come on. Can l have it?
Can l?
No! l must splice it back before
l return the film. What a pest you are!
So, why didn't you splice these back?
Sometimes l can't find the right place,
so they stay here.
Anyway, they kiss too much.
Then l can have them.
No, now come here.
Before l kick your fanny,
l'll make you a deal.
All those are yours, a present.
But, one: get out of here
and two: they stay with me. Got it?